The term Jedi has a winding history which dates back over 37 millennia BBY. Their ancestors started off as nothing more than a group of monks looking to study the Force. And the modern Jedi Order looks entirely different from their Force-sensitive predecessors.
The term Jedi stems from Je’daii, which originated when previously isolated Force-sensitive monks united on the planet Tython. Jedi emerged when the Je’daii split into two factions, with one embracing the light side and the others, the dark side.
Where Does The Term Jedi Come From?
Monks from various religious pacts across the galaxy became the first Tythans and together, they founded the Je’daii Order. The name’s origins stem from the words for mystic, ‘je,’ and center, ‘daii.’
In the Star Wars universe, the two words that made up the term Je’daii further stemmed from the actions of Tython’s two moons, Ashla and Bogan. The moons were symbolic of the two sides of the Force, and when they were in balance, the Force-sensitive planet was in balance.
When they were not in balance, Tython experienced chaotic Force storms and earthquakes. At that point, the Order of Dai Bendu and their new companions realized they needed to seek perpetual balance, hence mystic center, or Je’daii.
During the Force Wars between factions of the Je’daii loyal to the light side versus those loyal to the dark side, Force-sensitives embracing the light side broke away to form the Jedi Order.
Who Invented The Jedi?
Descendants of the Je’daii Order invented the Jedi. However, this did not occur overnight. Instead, it took thousands of years from the days of the ancient Dai Bendu to the modern Jedi to come into fruition.
Here is their story as told in Star Wars Legends.
The Dai Bendu comprised one of the first united groups of Force-sensitive beings in the galaxy, though other isolated groups existed, as their descendents would discover.
It’s up for debate as to when the Dai Bendu emerged. However, Wookieepedia states they were founded before 37,453 BBY. Their founding occurred during the Early Hyperspace Age on an astronomical object called Thape, during a time when space travel was emerging.
However, the organization did not grow until they traveled to the Andobi Mountains on the planet Ando Prime, which resided in the galaxy’s mid-rim.
The Dai Bendu were initially interested in studying numerology. However, this peaceful, non-confrontational group stumbled upon the mystical Force. They further realized the Force bound the galaxy together and flowed through all living things.
After studying this supernatural presence, they discovered midi-chlorians and further discovered every living thing has, to some degree, a specific capacity within their cells. Those with a higher count of midi-chlorians were more sensitive to the Force.
When the Dai Bendu traveled to the snowy planet of Ando Prime, they discovered a pyramidal object with mysterious origins they dubbed Tho Yor.
They were aware of the power within the object, prompting them to engage in meditation to the degree some claimed to hear its “voice.”
After 1,000 years of meditation, the Tho Yor opened and revealed itself as a starship, using the Force to invite the Dai Bendu aboard. The starship took them to the planet Tython, located in the Deep Core, where seven Tho Yor awaited.
These Tho Yor did the same thing, gathering beings who heard its call, uniting the formerly isolated orders that also included the Shamans of Dathomir and Selkath Scholars from Manaan.
Finally, after at least a millennium, the Dai Bendu and other Force-sensitives united.
Enter the Je’daii Order
Upon their arrival at Tython, these Force-sensitive pilgrims realized their new home was just as Force-sensitive as they were. They also realized the eight Tho Yor took them to Tython to further study the Force and to master their own Force-sensitive abilities.
However, Tython represented both the light and dark sides of the Force, and it suffered severe imbalances. They named this imbalance Ashla (for the light side), and Bogan (for the dark side), which also represented the planet’s light and dark moons.
It was around this time they became the Je’daii. Like the Jedi that would come after them, the Je’daii formed with the goal to preserve peace and justice throughout the galaxy.
To accomplish this goal, the Je’daii sought to strike harmony between Ashla and Bogan, quite unlike the Jedi, who fully embraced the light side, or the Sith, who embraced the dark side.
The Je’daii realized that, with light and dark balancing one another, the world’s chaotic storms and events ceased. For millennia, the Je’daii lived in peace, sans a few mishaps that included the Despot Wars, the Second Migration, and an invasion of the Rakatan Infinite Empire.
Enter the Jedi Order
For millennia, the Je’daii mostly maintained a perfect balance between the light and dark sides of the Force. However, that would end when one faction of the Je’daii embraced the power they sought from Ashla and the other, Bogan. Their differences ignited the Force Wars.
The Force Wars ravaged the planet. During the war, light siders Ters Sendon, Rajivari, Garon Jard, and Cala Brin founded the Jedi Order in 25,783. However, Rajivari had second thoughts and fell to the dark side.
In the ensuing battles, the Jedi won and blamed the dark side for creating destruction to their home planet, which again descended into chaos given the Force imbalances.
They spread out beyond the Deep Core and settled in other worlds, spending the next two-dozen millennia upholding the Je’daii Order’s initial oath to preserve peace and justice.
Note that in Star Wars Canon, the Jedi officially founded their new order on the planet Ach-To.
Who was the Very First Jedi?
The Star Wars Legends version of the story states the Jedi were founded on Tython during the Force Wars in 25,783 BBY.
In both Canon and Legends, Prime Jedi is said to be the very first Jedi. However, In the case of Star Wars Legends, Prime Jedi is an amalgam of one of four people:
Ters Sendon: Sendon was the group’s chronicler, who belonged to the Zabrak species. He sought knowledge and was hailed as one of the era’s most thoughtful Jedi, wishing for the Order to guard the galaxy’s wisdom.
Rajivari: A human Jedi Master, Rajivari’s peers also sought him as one of the Order’s wisest. He possessed great power. Rajivari also helped found the Archives. He was the first known Jedi to fall to the dark side.
Garon Jard: A human with unknown planetary origins, Jard stressed the importance of using Force-sensitivity powers in self-defense.
Cala Brin: Like Jard, Brin’s planetary origins remain unknown. She held staunch beliefs that Jedi should put aside their fears and always uphold truth and justice.
It’s also worth mentioning if you follow Star Wars Canon, then you’re probably more familiar with the Jedi’s founding in 25,000 BBY. In this case, the Prime Jedi is a single entity.