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Who Was Yoda’s Master?

Who Was Yoda’s Master?

Hello, young Padawans and seasoned Jedi Masters alike! Today, we’re delving into a question that might tickle the curiosity of even the most knowledgeable Star Wars fans: Who was the master of the wise and powerful Yoda?

 Yoda, known for his profound wisdom and unmatched skills in the Force, once was a learner himself. So, who had the honor (and challenge) of teaching one of the greatest Jedi Masters in the galaxy? 

Let’s embark on a journey through the archives of the Jedi Order to uncover this piece of history.

N’Kata Del Gormo: The Master of Masters

The esteemed master who taught Yoda is none other than N’Kata Del Gormo. This might be a new name to some fans, as Master Del Gormo’s story is not widely known and is explored more in the expanded universe of Star Wars lore.

N’Kata Del Gormo was a Hysalrian Jedi Master, belonging to a species that is quite rare in the Star Wars universe. But what makes him so special, aside from being Yoda’s mentor?

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Though details about N’Kata Del Gormo are sparse, it’s said that he was a being of great wisdom and strength in the Force. 

As a Hysalrian, he possessed a unique appearance (snake-like body, four arms, and four eyes), with characteristics that set him apart from other species in the galaxy. 

His ability to recognize the potential in Yoda and guide him on his path speaks volumes about his insight and foresight as a Jedi Master.

N'Kata Del Gormo

N’Kata Del Gormo – Image Credit

A Serendipitous Meeting

Long before Yoda became the sage we admire, he was an inquisitive being with an uncharted connection to the Force. The story goes that Yoda, alongside a friend, found themselves stranded on a remote, mist-enshrouded planet. 

This planet, unknown to them, was home to N’Kata Del Gormo. The circumstances of their landing, whether by accident or the will of the Force, set the stage for a life-altering encounter.

As Yoda and his companion explored the fog-laden swamps, they stumbled upon N’Kata Del Gormo. This Hysalrian, an imposing figure with a serene demeanor, recognized immediately the potential within young Yoda.

 Del Gormo revealed to them their deep connection to the Force and offered to guide them on the path to understanding and harnessing it.

Under N’Kata Del Gormo’s tutelage, Yoda embarked on his journey to become a Jedi. The teachings he received were not just about controlling the Force but also understanding its nature, its flow, and its place in the universe. 

Del Gormo instilled in Yoda the values of patience, compassion, and humility, qualities that would define Yoda’s approach to both life and the Jedi Order.

This early mentorship was more than just training; it was a transformation. Yoda’s time with Del Gormo shaped him into a being capable of great wisdom and power. 

It honed his innate connection to the Force, preparing him for the many challenges and responsibilities he would face in the centuries to come.


N’Kata Del Gormo, Yoda’s master, might not be as famous as other Jedi, yet his role is key to grasping Yoda’s growth and impact. His story highlights a universal truth within the Star Wars galaxy: every hero begins a journey, and even masters like Yoda were once apprentices.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this exploration into Yoda’s past and the figure who helped shape him into the Jedi Master we know and love. 

What other mysterious figures from the Star Wars universe would you like to learn more about? Share your thoughts and may the Force be with you, always!

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