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So you forked over your hard earned cash to get a “real life” lightsaber. You’ve turned it on, admired the glowing blade, maybe even twirled it around a few times… but now what? Do you want to get into the world of lightsaber dueling, but you’re afraid that you won’t know what you’re doing? Nothing …

Read More about How Do You Spin A Lightsaber Properly And Safely?

The Rise of Skywalker revealed a lot in its final scene. After burying Luke and Leia’s old lightsabers on Tatooine, Rey surprised everyone by igniting her own lightsaber. This never-before-seen lightsaber was not blue, green, red, or even purple but bright yellow. Many fans scratched their heads and wondered: why? What does it mean that …

Read More about Why Does Rey Have A Yellow Lightsaber?

You may have first encountered Ahsoka Tano in the live-action show The Mandalorian, played by Rosario Dawson. Or maybe you’ve known the character from her animated beginnings on The Clone Wars or Rebels cartoons, voiced by Ashley Eckstein Either way, you’ve probably noticed that she fights with not just one but two lightsabers. But this …

Read More about When Does Ahsoka Get Her Second Lightsaber?

The last time we did a face-off comparison between two characters, Darth Vader utterly defeated Anakin Skywalker and we saw how the two were very far apart on the power scale. This time, we wanted to make things a bit more interesting. So, we chose two of the only people to have ever defeated our …

Read More about Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Luke Skywalker: Who Would Win?

Before we dive into the age-old question of who will win in this duel of the ages, we feel it our duty to warn you. This article contains extreme spoilers for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith, and all the other Star Wars movies in general. Just by reading the title, you must …

Read More about Darth Vader vs. Anakin Skywalker: Who Is More Powerful?

A Vibroblade is perhaps the closest rival that Star Wars has given us regarding a weapon that could compete with a lightsaber. But most people don’t even know what a Vibroblade is. So, we took this opportunity to talk about the Vibrosword, the most common variant of the Vibroblade. Everything from what a Vibrosword is, …

Read More about Vibroblades vs. Lightsabers: Can a Vibroblade block a Lightsaber?

Star Wars has put us through a lot of unresolved questions. One of the popular ones is where did our protagonist get his green lightsaber from? Before we go into the possible theories of how and when Luke built his lightsaber, we would like you to wear your stormtrooper helmet and be on the watch …

Read More about Where (& How) did Luke Skywalker Get his Green Lightsaber?

Ever since the first time we saw Luke Skywalker ignite a lightsaber on screen in 1977, nerds and geeks worldwide have wanted to have a lightsaber of their own. After all, who doesn’t want a laser sword that can cut through (almost) anything? After the mesmerizing ways lightsaber duels would play out, it became impossible …

Read More about How To Make a Real-Life Lightsaber?