The Darksaber is arguably the most unique weapon in Star Wars, given its one-of-a-kind look from its hilt to its blade. The Darksaber is further unique in the franchise since, for one to be recognized as its true owner, they must win it in combat. Created by Tarre Vizsla, the Darksaber’s craftsmanship stemmed from Mandalorian …
Having shelter is one of the most important things for any living being. Unfortunately, every person does not have access to shelter, regardless of how necessary it is. Certainly, the inhabitants of the Star Wars universe are no different. Although they often engaged in many humanitarian missions, the Jedi still needed a place to call …
If you’re new to the Star Wars franchise or you’ve just now watched recent episodes of The Mandalorian, you may be confused as to the function and lore of the darksaber. Notice, we say the darksaber, because there’s only one. The darksaber is a single weapon forged from the highest quality of Beskar on Mandalore, …
One of the most iconic things in the Star Wars universe has to be the lightsabers. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the franchise, a newcomer, or you’ve never even seen Star Wars, chances are you’ve heard of a lightsaber. These majestic weapons have a standardized set of colors that most lightsabers come out as. …
Power, anger, and hate defined the Sith. And through passion, they believed they could achieve power and become victorious in their quest to rule the Galaxy. But did they succeed in ruling the Galaxy, and by extension, care about the Galaxy? Sheev Palpatine was a madman, but plenty of evidence exists that he cared about …
Disney is one of a few brands that offer customized lightsabers. And if you’re looking to use your lightsaber for dueling, lightsabers featuring the Galaxy’s Edge brand ordered online or created in-person at Galaxy’s Edge may hold up in dueling against the brand’s primary competitors. Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge brand is ideal for fans five years …
The Jedi are the closest characters the Star Wars fandom has to relate to. With all the intense battles they take part in and the strenuous activities they put their bodies through, it’s natural to compare ourselves to them. Think about it! How often do you watch (or rewatch) Star Wars and wonder if you …
One of the most iconic and important parts of Star Wars is the lightsaber. I mean, can you imagine Star Wars without lightsabers? I know I can’t. But how exactly do the characters get their lightsabers? Well, unlike us here in the real world, they can’t just buy one off of Amazon. They have to …
Upon Mace Windu’s death in Revenge of the Sith, Darth Sidious exposed his true colors and executed Order 66. Commander Gree, also known as CC-1004, faced the tall task of striking down the galaxy’s most powerful Jedi Master. Yoda sensed something was off during Order 66, given his body language during the Battle of Kashyyyk. …
Nobody sensed a potential turn to the dark side like Yoda. So when Count Dooku’s passion as a Jedi Youngling affected his emotions, Yoda took action. But Dooku’s passion led to frustration during his Padawan days, and it led him down a dangerous path. Yoda served as Count Dooku’s Master because he feared the young …