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Before we discovered his name, we knew Grogu as either the Child or Baby Yoda. Perhaps Baby Yoda is a more accurate assumption than we initially thought.  Grogu and Yoda share a lot of similar traits. And given the rarity of the species, evidence exists that Yoda is Grogu’s dad.  Grogu’s high Force-sensitivity and midi-chlorian …

Read More about Yaddle’s Mysterious Resignation Hints at Grogu’s Parents

Grogu, affectionately known as Baby Yoda or The Child, is one of the most adorable Star Wars characters.  Of course, Baby Yoda is a part of the same species as Jedi Grand Master Yoda. Unfortunately for us, that species isn’t exactly known.  As a Jedi Initiate, Baby Yoda was raised in the Jedi Temple with …

Read More about Is Grogu (Baby Yoda) More Powerful Than Yoda?

Despite the infamous roles of Frank Oz, Wendy Froud, Kathryn Mullen, and Nick Maley, Yoda is not a muppet. He was the most advanced puppet of his time. George Lucas originally came to Jim Henson for help in making Yoda, but, (Henson), was busy running the Muppets and getting ready to work on The Dark …

Read More about Is Yoda a Muppet?

If you’ve spent more than a few minutes watching Yoda on screen, you’re bound to notice some oddities in his physique that go further than just the standard alien persona. Everything from his height to his skin color makes him seem like an unknown alien being, but also strangely familiar.  Some of Yoda’s features are …

Read More about Does Yoda have Teeth?

Unfortunately, death is arguably the most natural thing in life. Just as easily as someone can come into the world, they can be taken out.  Given how much war occurs daily within George Lucas’ Star Wars universe, death is an integral part of the galaxy.  Naturally, every person deals with grief in their own way. …

Read More about Why Does Yoda Not Mourn The Dead?