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The Force is one of the most important elements in the Star Wars galaxy. It abides within all living beings and serves as a binding agent for them. Some individuals have a stronger inclination to the Force than others. They are known as being Force-sensitive. These Force-sensitives were determined by their midi-chlorian levels. From there, …

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The term Jedi has a winding history which dates back over 37 millennia BBY. Their ancestors started off as nothing more than a group of monks looking to study the Force. And the modern Jedi Order looks entirely different from their Force-sensitive predecessors.  The term Jedi stems from Je’daii, which originated when previously isolated Force-sensitive …

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The Mandalorians are a collective group of various species that reside on the planet Mandalore. This clan is bound together by one language, affiliation, and common goal. The planet isn’t green and lush, rather it’s morse desert-like and sits in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Throughout galactic history, the Mandalorians were a flourishing …

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In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker exclaimed the infamous line, “From my point-of-view, the Jedi are evil!” While the Jedi looked like a flawless bunch on the surface, their inherent flaws led Anakin to lose his trust in them and turn to the Sith.  The Jedi Code prohibited emotional attachments, forcing Anakin to keep …

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