When you go back and view the Skywalker Saga, you may notice that the term Sith does not appear in the Original Trilogy. The Original Trilogy also does not cover too much history in the saga apart from the Clone Wars and the implication that the Empire purged the Jedi. Sith is first mentioned in …
In the Sith Order, the name Darth signified a high rank equivalent to Jedi Master. The name further signified a new life for the Sith Lord, and it was an honor to receive the title. Darth has a winding history, and a few theories explain the term’s origins. Sith names correspond with some negativity, such …
Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the Star Wars universe’s most popular Jedi. He’s one of a few Jedi in the Canon that fans watched train as a Padawan under a Jedi Master, become a Jedi Knight, and ultimately a Jedi Master, before becoming one with the Force. Obi-Wan became a Jedi Master in 22 BBY, …
From the moment we are in our mother’s womb we start forming attachments. These bonds only get stronger as we grow older and learn more about ourselves and what we do and do not like. We form attachments to our friends, families, romantic partners, coworkers, teachers, sometimes even our bosses. These attachments allow us to …
A Jedi’s greatest weapon is not a blaster or even a lightsaber; it’s the Force. As old Ben Kenobi once said, “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” The Force is what gives …
If you’re new to Star Wars, you probably have questions about the different planets and creatures presented in the franchise. Jedi Grand Master Yoda is one of the most recognizable faces in Star Wars. His powers and abilities in the Force are incredible, especially given his small size and advanced age. You only have to …
When Jedi die, those strong enough to connect to the Force may return as Force ghosts. So does the same hold true for the Sith, or do Sith Lords who fully retain their identity following death go somewhere else? A realm called Chaos awaits Dark Jedi and Sith who retain their identity after death. It …
Throughout Star Wars Canon and Legends, Jedi appear to be stronger and faster than the galaxy’s average beings. Although their immense athletic ability raises the question: Is the average Jedi as strong and athletic as they look, or is this the Force at work, or a combo? The average Jedi is physically stronger than the …
The minute we emerge from within the confines of our mother’s womb we begin to age.This process is rapid as time waits for no man. As children, we long to grow up as fast as possible, but that tune soon changes. Once our 20s are over, most of us begin wishing we could rewind the …
Have you ever wondered why some Jedi Disappear when they Die While Others Don’t? Why do Yoda and obi-wan bodies disappear, but Anakin Skywalker and Qui-gong Jinn’s bodies don’t disappear when they die? In this article, this is what we’ll be covering. Why do some Jedi Disappear when they Die? We know that Annakin, Obi-Wan, …