For good reason, Darth Vader was voted as television’s greatest villain. In battle, he was ruthless, cold-hearted, and willing to annihilate anyone in his way if it meant he could be one step closer to his goal. On a deeper level, Lord Vader is a complex, intelligent individual whose emotional turmoil often mimics that of …
Rey Skywalker
The scavenger-turned-Jedi Rey Skywalker showed herself to be exceptionally strong with the Force throughout the Sequel Trilogy of the Skywalker Saga. Even though her parentage was revealed in Episode IX, there are still questions surrounding her origins and relations. Is it possible that Rey is somehow related to Darth Vader? There is little to no …
In the Star Wars universe, Anakin Skywalker was known for having the highest midi-chlorian count of any Jedi. This means he was perhaps the most Force-sensitive being in the galaxy, and this high midi-chlorian count is part of why he was such a powerful Jedi. So, what was his midi-chlorian count? Anakin was said to …
Rey Skywalker personifies balance with the Force, given her Palpatine lineage and her new surname. If Rey were to train more Jedi, evidence exists that her version of the Jedi Order will differ from the Order we became accustomed to in the Prequel Trilogy. Rey could rebuild the Jedi Order, given the parallels of her …
This is a tricky one because the term, Gray Jedi is often used to describe Jedi who completed their training, but for various reasons don’t obey the Jedi High Council. Qui-Gon Jinn has been called a Gray Jedi, but no one would consider him to be bad, just stubborn. Who Are Gray Jedi? The term …
Before you get your lightsabers out, let me start by saying that George Lucas said she’s the strongest Jedi now. But, if we compare her to certain Jedi, (like Luke Skywalker), in their prime then we get a whole new game. How Strong Is Rey Compared To Other Jedi? Depends on if we stick to …
As the main protagonist for the final three Star Wars movies, Rey has held an important role in the Sequel Trilogy. But that is not to say that the role was not surrounded by controversy and shade. Rey, as a character, has had her fair share of fans and haters, despite the former taking the …
When Rey faces off against Kylo Ren for the first time, it is a blue lightsaber blade that clashes against his red one. But is that blue lightsaber the same one wielded by Anakin Skywalker? Yes, the lightsaber that Rey wields throughout her journey to becoming a Jedi is the same one that both Anakin, …
At the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey wields a brand new lightsaber that she made herself. The blade appears to be some kind of yellow or orange or even gold! There’s also the brief flashes of green and blue in the hilt to consider. Could those be part of it? With …
Ever since the revealing trailer for The Rise of Skywalker, Star Wars fans around the globe have hotly anticipated Rey with a double-bladed lightsaber: so where is it? Theories and fan-art sprang up ever since The Force Awakens of Rey wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, and the trailer seemed to confirm this. However, now fans are …
Since the release of the latest trilogy of Star Wars films, the presence of Rey-focused merchandise has been unexpectedly lacking, leading many people to wonder if we can ever expect to be able to own Rey’s iconic yellow lightsaber. Well, it seems it may have been well worth the wait. As there has been an …
Throughout the sequels, and the course of Star Wars in general, we realized that lightsabers are more than just the pop culture icons they are perceived as. In the Star Wars universe, a lightsaber is just as important as the person wielding it. Over time, these weapons turned from mere laser swords into marks of …
With all of Rey’s mechanical skills, developed from years of scavenging in the deserts of Jakku, many fans of Star Wars have been left asking: “Did Rey build her own lightsaber?” Well, you have questions, and we have answers! In this article, we’ll go through the lightsabers Rey has wielded throughout the Disney trilogy, and …
Our previous article talked about Rey (Skywalker) and her connection to the Skywalker family lightsaber. We mentioned the subject fleetingly and promised you a detailed explanation of the reasons behind this connection. Rey found the Skywalker family lightsaber in the basement of Maz Kanata’s castle in the middle of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force …
From all the spectacular duels she’s found herself participating in, many Star Wars fans have been asking: “Just how is Rey so darn good with that lightsaber?” Especially for someone raised in the deserts of Jakku, with only a staff (that functionally looks more like a metal pipe, to be honest) by her side, Rey …
The sequel trilogy has been one of the greatest points of contention for the Star Wars fandom. The three movies, starting from Episode VII: The Force Awakens and ending at Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, split the fandom down to its core. These movies have their supporters, who believe that the plotlines presented throughout …
At the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey presents her new yellow lightsaber. What the movie doesn’t show is how she got it. So far, there hasn’t been an official explanation of how she got it; Only that Rey built it herself. But by putting together what is known, we can make …
At the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, we see Rey bury the lightsabers of Luke (previously Anakin’s) and Leia. Rey then produces the new lightsaber she built. As she flicks a ring on the hilt, igniting the lightsaber, an interesting thing shows for just a few frames. Before the blade ignites, we …
The Rise of Skywalker revealed a lot in its final scene. After burying Luke and Leia’s old lightsabers on Tatooine, Rey surprised everyone by igniting her own lightsaber. This never-before-seen lightsaber was not blue, green, red, or even purple but bright yellow. Many fans scratched their heads and wondered: why? What does it mean that …
At the beginning of Star Wars VIII, we see Rey handing over the lightsaber to Luke, someone who she thought was a mere legend. After such a harrowing experience in the past few days, Rey must have felt an intense emotion at that moment. Some people believe that when she gave back the saber to …