Yoda was a Jedi Grand Master who could sense a shift to the dark side among his own. But he and the rest of the Jedi Order missed Palpatine’s allegiance with the Sith. Even when they interacted with the Supreme Chancellor on many occasions. Yoda once sensed a void in the Force while meditating, but …
Regarded as one of the most powerful Jedi ever, Yoda was past his prime when he dueled two Sith Lords in The Prequel Trilogy. And despite his old age, he still defeated Count Dooku in lightsaber combat. Yoda also forced Darth Sidious to ditch the lightsaber and resort to Force powers in Revenge of the …
Luke Skywalker founded the New Jedi Order. And in doing so, he retrieved a set of texts that held wisdom and scriptures he thought would provide valuable information to future Jedi. However, a former Jedi Master showed Luke just how wrong he was. Luke stored the Sacred Jedi Texts in the Force tree. When he …
Yoda died in 4 ABY during Return of the Jedi. Before his death, he handed Luke Skywalker a few words of wisdom. A few of which he repeated to a disgruntled Luke during The Last Jedi when he returned to Ach-To as a Force ghost. Yoda died on Dagobah in 4 ABY. Many believe Yoda …
He does! He’s a troll! Yoda is a troll! Obi-Wan Kenobi is a troll! They pretended not to know the plucky droid on purpose to mess with Luke’s head and to keep him in the dark, so Darth Vader wouldn’t be able to discover that Luke Skywalker is his son. Don’t believe me? Keep reading, …
While Order 66 kicked off the Great Jedi Purge, it didn’t kill off all the Jedi. Some notable names like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi survived the initial purge and they didn’t meet their deaths until roughly two decades later. Canonically, less than 20 known Jedi survived after Order 66. And an even smaller number lived …
Yoda often warned others about the dangers of falling into the dark side. If a Jedi even implied emotion, Yoda tried to steer them toward emotional detachment, given his fear they could fall to the dark side. His tendency to avoid the dark side implies Yoda was so entrenched in the light side that he …
Jedi Grand Master Yoda is arguably one of the best, most powerful characters in the Star Wars universe. Clocking over 900 years in age, Yoda has had centuries to accumulate a broad array of skills and wisdom that no one else in the Jedi Order could say that they had. This lengthy lifespan meant that …
“Do or do not, there is no try.” This line is one of the many well-known nuggets of wisdom imparted by Jedi Grand Master Yoda Shrouded in mystery, Master Yoda is one of the wisest characters in the Star Wars franchise. He lived through an impressive 900 years of galactic history. This allowed him to …
Clothing is one of the greatest expressions of oneself that a person could have. It allows for each person to be their unadulterated selves and show it to the world. Some organizations require their members to wear the same thing. This is called a uniform. Organizations such as military forces, police, private schools, camps, etcetera …