General Grievous’ lightsaber collection is arguably one of the most famed collections of lightsabers throughout the galaxy. Or is it? The lightsaber collection in question here is none other than the famed trophies of the fearsome General Grievous. A source of fear for the Younglings of the Jedi Order and a constant thorn in the …
Born in Corellia, Han Solo was a human male, who made a name for himself as a smuggler. He began his life simply being called Han until he gained the name Solo from an Imperial Recruitment Officer. Han Solo amassed galaxy-wide fame for his infamous twelve-parsec Kessel Run with the Millenium Falcon. From that point …
Every organization or being has things that help propel them forward in society. Armies have their own information management services, and almost every other group has their method of recording and using data to ensure they are the best versions of themselves. Of course, the Star Wars universe is no different. Both the Jedi and …
The black lightsaber, better known as the Darksaber, is among the most unique of its kind in Star Wars. Given its rarity, I’m sure you’re wondering who can and cannot wield the Darksaber. The answer is more complex than you think. A Jedi can have a black lightsaber because the Darksaber was made by a …
In the Star Wars universe, the galaxy is split between the light and dark sides of the Force. However, just as in our reality, there is always a middle ground. For Force-users, that middle ground is the Gray Jedi. So what exactly is a “Gray Jedi?” Well, Gray Jedi are sort of like the freelancers …
For as long as fans can remember, the Jedi and the Sith have been at odds with each other. Of course, it’s safe to say that their being on opposing sides of the Force, as well as their contrasting philosophies, play a role in this ongoing battle. As per the Jedi Code, the Jedi are …
Picture this: you have multiple things to do and there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day. You want to split yourself into multiple people, just to make your life a bit easier. Being a human can sometimes suck but, luckily, we can live vicariously through the Star Wars universe. You …
In life, unfortunately, everything must come to an end. Plants wither, communities evolve, and most painfully of all, people die. As the facts of life go, people passing on from our realm is completely normal. However, the abnormal part is when individuals pass on before it’s their time. That being, of course, when another person …
The Star Wars universe is filled with multiple species. Everything from humans, to beasts, and let’s not forget the robots like R2-D2 and C-3PO. Now, the term robot actually became politically incorrect after the formation of the Galactic Republic. After this era, the more mechanical inhabitants of the various planets became known as Droids. While …
Sleep is a state of unconscious rest that is needed by most of the species in our world. It’s needed for many reasons. Sleep allows us to recuperate and rest our muscles as well as our minds. Sleep is especially important when we aren’t well. During this time, our body is weak and lacking in …