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While non-Force-sensitives cannot be Jedi, they can tap into the Force with limited ability and even create a bond with a lightsaber.  Only those brought to the Jedi Temple as children can become Jedi because they demonstrated Force-sensitivity.  Non-Force-sensitives cannot be a Jedi since to become a Jedi Initiate, one must boast a higher midi-chlorian …

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In both Star Wars Canon and Legends, the Jedi Temple fell to the Sith following Order 66. In the Canon, the Sith repurposed the Temple into the Imperial Palace while presumably destroying Jedi artifacts. In Legends, the millennium-old Temple fell into abandonment.  Following Order 66, Darth Sidious ordered Jedi artifacts to be replaced with those …

Read More about What Happened to the Jedi Temple After the Fall of the Empire?

Every militant force has to have a way to protect itself.  Even the more illegal organizations have weapons in our society. This is surprisingly reminiscent of the Jedi and the Sith in the Star Wars universe.  In Star Wars the main weapon of choice is the lightsaber.  Lightsabers are formed from a substance known as …

Read More about Can a Jedi Use Another Jedi’s Lightsaber?

In terms of someone granting her the title: no. But, she’s more than proved herself to be equal and superior to many Jedi Knights. And in an unexpected (and sadly not seen on screen), the Bendu from Star Wars: Rebels calls her a former Jedi Knight. This scene would have occurred right before Ahsoka Tano …

Read More about Did Ahsoka Tano Ever Become A Jedi Knight?

The Force was created by all living beings in the Star Wars universe.  By extension, the Force is the essence of life throughout the galaxy. Whether you’re a part of the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Empire, the Force serves as a bonding agent amongst the galaxy’s inhabitants. It’s the thing that connects people to …

Read More about Can You Use The Force Without Being a Jedi?