This is the hardest question concerning Star Wars that I’ve tackled. There’s no official answer, and legends can’t help either. That said, I’ll be using my interpretations, knowledge from movies and TV shows, as well as good old fashioned common sense. Do Jedi become stronger with age? Yes and no. It depends largely on the …
The most popular answer is 4.6 meters, but using the Force means you can jump in any direction you want. And a certain green Jedi does it very well in the prequel trilogy. When people talk about jumping, they usually refer to jumping up, but there are also many times when someone has to jump …
Anyone who has had a pet knows that it can be the best thing to happen to you. Pets can give you a sense of happiness and companionship that you just can’t find in another person. Nowhere else can you find the sense of loyalty and unwavering love that you’ll get in your little furry …
No, they don’t, but they wore them because most members of the Old Jedi Order were raised to live very similar to monks. Having no possessions except a lightsaber. Wearing a robe or cloak doesn’t mean you’re a Jedi, but in many worlds, wearing a robe is normal. They’re good for concealing identities and helping …
There are phenomenal lightsaber hilt designs all over the Star Wars universe. The following designs have become well-known to Star Wars fans of all generations for their memorable features that stand out from the rest. From the famous sabercane, to Count Dooku’s unique curved hilt, to Satele Shan’s double-hilt that blends in with her attire: …
The answer to whether Jedi live longer than non-Force-sensitive beings varies. Some Jedi, like Yoda, live for nine centuries. Regardless of their species, since Jedi are Force-sensitive, they can both live longer and even keep a youthful appearance for a finite time. Depending on their Force-sensitivity, Jedi may live longer. It’s uncommon, but not unheard …
Jedi learn to block lasers early in their Jedi training. As with most maneuvers inside a Jedi’s toolbox, blocking lasers involves using the Force. Using low-powered lightsabers early in their training, younglings learn to attune themselves with the Force. They entwine their thoughts and actions into a single flow of energy, using themselves as a …
People of all ages, whether they are Star Wars fans or not, know what a lightsaber is. Lightsabers have become an icon for anyone wanting to just embrace the light (or perhaps dark) side of the Force. Thanks to the kyber crystals, lightsabers come in many colors. Of course, there are more common colors such …
As a Jedi Knight, Anakin started off with a blue lightsaber, then he changed over to a red lightsaber when he made the switch to King of the dark side of the Force. With all this change that occurred in Anakin’s life, a lot of confusion is risen as to exactly when his lightsaber actually …
Throughout Star Wars Canon and Legends, Jedi have turned to the Sith. Anakin Skywalker is the most notable, having become Darth Vader in Episode III. Skywalker is one of many Jedi who have turned to the Dark Side for a variety of reasons, but he isn’t the only one. Jedi can use Sith powers since …