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Jedi Grand Master Yoda was an uncontested legend in the Star Wars universe.  He had approximately 900 years to amass all the knowledge and skills he was known for.  During the many centuries that Master Yoda lived through, he certainly bore witness to many changes.  He trained multiple generations of upcoming Jedi in the way …

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Yoda was one of the smallest Force-sensitive beings in Star Wars. But he was also among the strongest, demonstrating a connection to the Force no other Jedi in the saga reached. A model Jedi, Yoda proved that “size matters not.”  Yoda was so strong with the Force that he absorbed Force lightning with his bare …

Read More about How Much Can Yoda Lift With the Force?

Jedi Grand Master Yoda is one of the most powerful characters the Star Wars universe has to offer.  Having lived for nine centuries, Master Yoda had ample time to perfect his craft. Of course, this time, coupled with frequent meditation, allowed him to grow his connection to the Force.  What’s more, Master Yoda was dubbed …

Read More about Why Couldn’t Yoda Beat Palpatine BUT Mace Could?

Since the beginning of the Star Wars franchise, fans have been comparing the strengths of the characters. While some characters’ strengths are up for debate, George Lucas made it clear who some of the stronger characters are.  Jedi Grand Master Yoda was one character whose power and abilities never needed to be questioned. Living to …

Read More about Who Is Stronger Than Yoda in Star Wars Universe?

Grandmaster Yoda. Teacher of many. Avatar of Light. (Troll). Old guy that steals food and then complains about how it tastes. He’s one of Star Wars greatest mysteries and that’s how George Lucas likes it. We may never fully understand him. But we can put the pieces together to gain lore from canon and legends. …

Read More about How Long Did It Take Yoda To Become A Jedi?

If there is one name in Star Wars whose meaning epitomizes a character, it’s Yoda. The name’s meaning fits Yoda’s persona and role within Star Wars. But here’s some fun trivia: he was almost given another name that appeared in early drafts of The Empire Strikes Back.  Yoda is derived from two words, Yoddha and …

Read More about What Does The Name Yoda Mean?