The black lightsaber, better known as the Darksaber, is among the most unique of its kind in Star Wars. Given its rarity, I’m sure you’re wondering who can and cannot wield the Darksaber. The answer is more complex than you think. A Jedi can have a black lightsaber because the Darksaber was made by a …
Darth Vader is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars franchise; he is also one of the strongest characters. But is he the strongest ever? And how strong is he? A quick search around the internet will net you many opinions on how strong Vader is. Quantifying the strength of a fictional …
In the Star Wars universe, the galaxy is split between the light and dark sides of the Force. However, just as in our reality, there is always a middle ground. For Force-users, that middle ground is the Gray Jedi. So what exactly is a “Gray Jedi?” Well, Gray Jedi are sort of like the freelancers …
When you think of Darth Vader, you most likely conjure up an image of his menacing presence along with his famous red lightsaber in his hand. He always seemed poised and ready for battle. Yet, Vader is not always holding his lightsaber. So, how does he carry it? Not many scenes in the Star Wars …
The fully-armored soldier has become a familiar sight in Star Wars. From Clone troopers to Stormtroopers to the mysterious red-clad Sith troopers, all of these soldiers make frequent appearances on our screens. Of all the different versions of this soldier, the Sith trooper is perhaps the most mysterious. What is this red-armored trooper exactly? Is …
In 19 BBY, Order 66 purged the Jedi Order. However, some Jedi survived the attack and went into hiding. Some, like Ahsoka Tano, survived the Imperial Era, but many more did not. A group that hunted down and killed them were dark siders known as the Inquisitorius. A Sith Inquisitor was a former Jedi who …
During the early stages of their careers, before one became the lord of all things dark side, Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu seemed to be at odds with each other. It is said that Mace believed that Anakin was reckless, rebellious, and had an untameable darkness within him. In hindsight, Mace was correct. However, it …
When Darth Vader is finally unmasked at the end of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, he appears to be a very old man–perhaps near the age of 80. But, thanks to the Prequel Trilogy, we know that he was only 45 years old at the time of his unmasking. This has led …
Yoda failed to stop the Jedi Order from suffering a horrific fate. And during the waning moments in Revenge of the Sith, he believed a self-imposed exile on Dagobah would help him atone his failures. As part of this exile, Yoda never wielded his lightsaber again. Yoda’s sense of guilt in his failures to save …
Yoda is known as a small, but mighty Jedi Master. He was born about 900 years before the climactic Battle of Endor in Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. Yoda became a Jedi Master at the time of the Galactic Republic, when the Jedi reigned supreme. He was short in stature, but tall …